Location: St Annes, Lancashire, United Kingdom

I'm happy. I'm amused by life. I know who I am and why I'm here. I have a masters degree and very little money.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Hey Hey!!

Haven't posted since March!!! Must have something to say.. lets think. In the UK going "green" is the latest middle class fashion. Now back in the 1970s I was an organic gardener, had no car and did not go abroad for my holidays. While I am still an organic gardener it has taken the midle class 37 years to catch up with me and agree that we should try harder to look after the planet. What really pisses me off though are the wealthy "greens" . The "Oh yes we've got 150 acres of organically managed cattle and sheep with 40 acrres of organic veg, four windmills and a waterwheel" set. Concerns over global warming were voiced a while ago and most scientists disagreed with the theory - until the media got hold of the idea and convinced goverments that it wasd a real problem and put serious money into research. Then most of them agreed. Carbon dioxide and methane were causing global warming and mankind were to blame.

I disagree. I don't think that global warming is a man made phenomenon. The world goes through hot and cold cycles all by itself. I think that we may have helped out a warm cycle by producing a lot of carbon dioxide but global warming would have happened with or without us. The British Isles were once connected to the mainland of Europe until some polar ice melted and sea levels rose. This could well happen again. Moving house to higher ground may be a good idea. Arizona here I come!

Whats even more annoying is the fact that big business is still raping the planets resource and governments do nothing to stop it. I am not frightened of dieing but I am very concerned about the lives that my grandchildren will have. As long as the world is run by these fucking idots we will be in trouble.

I really beleive that any young person who shows an interest in becoming a politician is displaying an important character flaw and should be shot at once. Politics should be one of those professions where people don't want to be there.

Whoops! Talked a bit too much politics there; don't worry I'm getting out now.


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