Location: St Annes, Lancashire, United Kingdom

I'm happy. I'm amused by life. I know who I am and why I'm here. I have a masters degree and very little money.

Thursday, September 28, 2006


I've just read my son's blog. MS is giving him a good kicking at the moment. He is in a lot of pain and now has no medication other than pain killers. While he doesn't seem any worse physically - he can walk with a stick but needs a wheelchair for extended periods - he's having emotional upheaveal as his girl friend will be moving away with her parents to a different part of the country. One of her parents is seriously ill too. My son will miss her terribly. I think that he needs to be around other human beings and the sooner we can get him nearer to the family the happier I will be. He is very brave and has a strong postitive attitude and both are serving him well. He is a shinning example of human spirit and I am very, VERY proud of him.

My own financial worries pale into insignificance when I read my son's blog. Life is a lottery, the fact you get born at all is amazing. I once wrote a piece here about the meaning of life as described by Monty Python, my son did a similar piece with better pictures. I still think that we are here to be happy. Perhaps that should read we are here to be happy regardless of the circumstances.

Life is relentless and just goes on and on. We all have to be brave; I feel lucky to have such an exellent role model.

I was cheared up a little by some intereesting news from my daughter - moving closer to home - and my other in law daughter who I think of and describe as my daughter - job interview. If/when my daughter moves back we will all be back together again it will be like the Walton's all over again. If/when my other daughter gets this new job she will be earning more than I am! I'm unconflicted about that; bringing up young children is an extremely costly business these days and what granddad would not want the best for his grandchildren?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was just chekin' blogs when this one
I read most of ur posts and i think it's hard to find a blog with such deep thougts, feelings, thinks...

I didn't find a link to ur son's blog.
If u can... post it on my blog.
I would like to read it.

make sure i will visit this blog again.


3:49 PM  
Blogger danceswithwolves said...

Thanks for the kind words. I checked your blog too. It was quite a test for my limited Spanish. Looks like you enjoy the movies. I haven't worked out how to attach pictures and music yet but I'll get there. Your blog is very cool.
My son's blog is located at

12:02 PM  
Blogger Jaime said...


I have become good friends with your son and think it is a testament to you and your family that he is the person he is! It is wonderful that he has such a strong support system in all of you. Anyway, he put a link up to you on his site and so I wanted to stop in and say hi. I hope that everything is going well for all of you. Please take care.


12:07 AM  
Blogger danceswithwolves said...

Thanks for your kind words. You have helped my son as much as his family have. There are some things that he finds easier to talk about with you (and the internet community) than with us. He speaks highly of you and your help particularly on those days when he feels that life is having a laugh at his problems. I'm glad that he has your help as well as mine. Take care.

12:21 PM  

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