Location: St Annes, Lancashire, United Kingdom

I'm happy. I'm amused by life. I know who I am and why I'm here. I have a masters degree and very little money.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Good intentions

They say that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. The following is something I intended to place here and continue. I just haven't had time. The positive effects of my holiday have evaporated in work and family commitment. Making time is getting harder.
My son and daughter are off to New York for 7 days so my wife and I are babysitting my two granddaughters. I thought that I might do a daily diary of events so that I can remember what happened.

My granddaughters are aged 9 and 3 respectively. The youngest one has a nickname of Mouse although I don’t know why – she is small and beautiful but she is not shy or timid in any way. I would have nicknamed her wolverine on speed as she is into everything and has an appetite for chaos. She is hell bent on destruction of other people’s property. The older one is beautiful too and life with her is a joy although she is a bundle of insecurity.

Last night they went off to sleep just fine or so we thought. They were in bed just after 20.00 while their parents were still around. Once their parents left they switched on the bedside light and mucked about until we discovered what was going on around 21.00. After that they slept well. The little one rose at 06:45 this morning as bright as a button and went straight to see my wife. I lay still pretending I was asleep and they went off to look for biscuits. I must have actually gone back to sleep as the next thing I knew our dog jumped on me only to leap off me and continue chasing about the house egged on by both my granddaughters.

As the morning wore on my oldest granddaughter changed from a lucid, well mannered, intelligent young girl into a vacuous blonde (she isn’t blonde) once she had eaten she slipped into a sort of dream like state and took ages to do anything. We arrived at school on time though.

What will this evening hold?

You will never know as I couldn't maintain the diary. My granddaughters are wonderfull and the older one isn't vacuous all the time - just first thing in the morning!


Blogger pocketpunk said...

She is a baby teen.....we have vacuous now ...soon to be replaced with attitude and opinions

12:28 PM  
Blogger danceswithwolves said...

She was vacuous from afer breakfast to leaving the house. She perked up a lot when reached school. You're right though once the hormones kick in big style she going to get interesting.

10:23 AM  

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