Dance with the Wolves

Location: St Annes, Lancashire, United Kingdom

I'm happy. I'm amused by life. I know who I am and why I'm here. I have a masters degree and very little money.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year

 Its the last day of 2006 and I'll be seeing the new year in with family and friends. Looking forward to a better new year and, for the first time in a long time, I'm making plenty of reoslutions. There are too many, and some too personal to discuss here. But the one resolution I can show here is - "Finish what you have started and complete what you begin". This blog may change a little in 2007. I realise that a lot of people are having a life that is not as easy or as happy as mine. People are having to dance with wolves, depression, drugs, debt - and thats just a few of the "D's".
If I can help in any way however small I will do.

To anyone reading this - on New Years Eve or whenever-  I'm here and I'll help if I can. 

Have a peaceful or wild New Year as it suits you but stay healthy.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

So Xmas is over.

Xmas is over and wonderfull it was. The grandchildren had a great time and so did we all. I'm 
looking forward to the New Year celebrations at my daughters house.
Xmas  2006 was nearly a total disaster. My eldest son took an overdose of his depression medication and was rushed to A&E the Friday evening before Xmas.  I was there with my other daughter till 02:00. My boy has some problems to to address in the New Year and his drinking is one of them. He has got to get the better of his problems before they get the better of him. Not the best start to the New Year but I'm sure he will sort himself out and we'll all be right there with him and for him as he goes along. Thats two Xmases in a row where he and my daughter have suffered a trauma. They have another child due to be born in January. My heart is with them both and anything I can do to help.  As New Year approaches I am mindfull that we will have to pull together as a family if we are to survive in tact into the future. Everyone in the family needs the love and support of us all and as long as I'm alive I'll try to ensure that happens.

Happy New Year? Possibly. Happier New Year? Definitely.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Hello again

Online again. Haven’t posted for quite awhile. No real reason, I haven’t felt the need to be in cyberspace as much. One thing about the real world that I’ve noticed is the attitude of people who live around me to the festive season.

I used to hate Xmas. As anyone who has read this blog will know I am not a participant in the Christian religion and the “holy” elements to Xmas hold no meaning for me. When all my children were still at home Xmas was just an expensive day that we couldn’t afford. I did enjoy the excitement of the children but on the whole the Xmas period was just an opportunity to stay off work and eat too much.

In my mid forties I had a change of heart. Two of my four children had left home so the expense diminished (a little). I began to enjoy the run up to Xmas. WhileTte last two Novembers have been pretty grim one way or another but this year its been completely different. We have two more grandchildren expected to arrive in 2007!

Xmas now begins on the first weekend in December. I travel 200 miles to meet two old friends and we go Xmas shopping. Last year we went to Belfast, this year we went to Durham. We had a great time and I drank waaaay to much beer.

I’ll now be spending waaay too much money on presents for the loved ones.

There’ll be good food (and a little drink) and two weeks off work!! I may

Hello again

Online again. Haven’t posted for quite awhile. No real reason, I haven’t felt the need to be in cyberspace as much. One thing about the real world that I’ve noticed is the attitude of people who live around me to the festive season.

I used to hate Xmas. As anyone who has read this blog will know I am not a participant in the Christian religion and the “holy” elements to Xmas hold no meaning for me. When all my children were still at home Xmas was just an expensive day that we couldn’t afford. I did enjoy the excitement of the children but on the whole the Xmas period was just an opportunity to stay off work and eat too much.

In my mid forties I had a change of heart. Two of my four children had left home so the expense diminished (a little). I began to enjoy the run up to Xmas. WhileTte last two Novembers have been pretty grim one way or another but this year its been completely different. We have two more grandchildren expected to arrive in 2007!

Xmas now begins on the first weekend in December. I travel 200 miles to meet two old friends and we go Xmas shopping. Last year we went to Belfast, this year we went to Durham. We had a great time and I drank waaaay to much beer.

I’ll now be spending waaay too much money on presents for the loved ones.

There’ll be good food (and a little drink) and two weeks off work!! I may